All you need to do in order to activate the following status boosts and spawn
tricks is use Niko's mobile phone to call the related numbers. Though 360
achievement whores please note, cheats 1 - 4 will block the "Cleaned The Mean
Streets" achievement while 5 and 15 will do the same for "Walk Free".
1, Health And Weapons - GTA-555-0100
2, Weapons - GUN-555-0150
3, Advanced Weapons - GUN-555-0100
4, Health - DOC-555-0100
5, Wanted Level Down - COP-555-0100
6, Wanted Level Up - COP-555-0150
7, Climate Change - HOT-555-0100
8, Spawn Cognoscenti (Mafia Car) - CAR-555-0142
9, Spawn Sanchez (Dirt Bike) - MBK-555-0150
10, Spawn FBI Buffalo - CAR-555-0100
11, Spawn Turismo - CAR-555-0147
12, Spawn NRG900 - MBK-555-0100
13, Spawn Comet - CAR-555-0175
14, Spawn SuperGT - CAR-555-0168
15, Spawn Police Chopper - FLY-555-0100
16, Spawn Jetmax (Boat) - WET-555-0100
health and weapons - 4825550100
health and armour - 3625550100
weapons (adv) - 4865550100
Weapons tier 1 - 4865550150
Weapons tier 2 - 4865550100
Remove Niko's wanted level - 2675550100
Change weather and brightness - 4685550100